Condensation in Cambridge and the surrounding areas
In recent years due to modern living condensation in buildings has risen from a level of comparative insignificance to become a major domestic problem. The increase can be attributed to changes in living accommodation and in the lifestyle of the occupants.
Condensation is water which as condensed from warm moist air on contact with a cold surface.
When does Condensation Occur?
1. Cold air enters the building
2. The air is warmed for the comfort of the occupants.
3. The warm air takes up moisture.
4. The warm moist air comes into contact with cold surfaces, walls, windows etc and
is cooled below its Dew Point.
5. Condensation occurs as the excess moisture is released.
Sources of Moisture:
The main sources of moisture in domestic properties are:
Lack of ventilation and heating
Clothes washing and drying
Baths/Showers and dish washing etc.
Overcoming Condensation
Improved heating and ventilation will usually result in a significant improvement in conditions.
The installation of an extractor fan incorporating a humidstat in a kitchen or bathroom will carry away moisture-laden air from the two areas most responsible for condensation with minimal running costs. Passi-vents can also be used in the affected rooms.
Or the fitting of a Remcon Whole House Ventilation System which is installed in the roof space and the ceiling of the home and gently introduces fresh filtered air to ventilate your entire home.
Call us to book an appointment for inspection or for condensation